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Axbridge Pageant Tickets

Family tickets are available for a family of four.
Tickets are now on Sale! Click the button below to proceed to the ticketing portal to purchase your tickets. You will have to accept cookies / privacy policy in order proceed. Some tickets will be on sale in the co-operative store in the town for those who cannot access the internet - these will be traditional paper tickets. In 2010 all tickets were sold out before the pageant - they are selling fast this time so don't miss out!
Tickets are for (unreserved) seating in the grandstands, which is the only way to see the pageant. If you have any difficulties check you accept cookies and if there is a problem try another browser such as Vivldi, Opera, Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge etc. If you get completely stuck, please email tickets@axbridgepageant.com. Keep checking for more information.
Buy tickets for Saturday
Evening Events
Iain Ballamy & Friends - Friday 26th August
Please note Singing in the Square starts a 7pm - gates open at 6.30pm

Images of previous Pageants