The Elizabethan Charter
The top motif is a Dog Rose.
Top Border Motifs from left to right
Residents of Axbridge watching the performance from their windows, overlooking the Square. A camera representing all the photographers snapping away. A ball of wool and knitting needles used for knitting Tudor Bonnets in this scene.
Top Border Motifs from left to right continued
A scroll with the scenes title. A pair of doves released during the scene. The sun represents the weather on the days of the performance. The cyclists who came through the square in the middle of a scene on one of the performance days.
The Middle
This scene represents the granting of a Royal Charter in 1599 by Queen Elizabeth I. The backdrop of this scene is the Town Square, there are Tudor musicians playing on the left and it has the arrival of the Royal charter, delivered by pages on horseback.

The Middle continued
The Towns Mayor and first clerk are on the stage and after the reading of the roll there is a procession of the named Aldermen, Capital Burgesses and other Town notables including the Ale taster! All watched by the townsfolk.
Bottom Border Motifs from left to right
Crowd motif. A Tudor Rose, created by Elizabeth I's grandfather Henry VII to signify the unification of the warring Yorkist and Lancaster houses by his marriage to Elizabeth of York. The 1599 Town Charter and the two silver maces granted by the James I Charter.
Bottom border motifs continued
A Queen Elizabeth I Gold Pound. Tudor musical instruments. A red squirrel. The Crowd.